Four States QRP Group

Four State

KD1JV SWR-Power Meter Kit

KD1JV Power and SWR Meter Kit

The "KD1JV Power and SWR Meter Kit"  is sold out and has been retired.

The Power and SWR Meter kit, designed by Steve "Melt Solder" Weber KD1JV, is a handy accessory for both station and field use. It is a self contained power meter and SWR indicator for 50 Ohm coaxial transmission lines.

With this device, you can measure the output power of your QRP transmitter and the SWR on the transmission line to your antenna. Frequency coverage is all amateur bands from 160 to 6 meters.

The circuit uses bright LED's to display the power and SWR in binary coded format. This results in a very compact test instrument.

The SWR/Power meter is powered by two internal "AAA" battery cells. The meter automatically powers itself down after a period of inactivity to conserve battery life.

Steve Weber has generously permitted the 4SQRP Group to produce this kit to help fund the OzarkCon QRP Convention. Thanks Steve!


  • 160 to 6 meter operating range
  • 9.9 Watt and 990 mW power scales
  • Peak hold mode ( 9.9 watt scale only)
  • 1:1 to 9.9:1 VSWR scale
  • Accuracy 5% of reading
  • Sensitivity, 20 mw minimum
  • Manual and auto power shut off
  • Self contained, fits in Altoids tin
  • Two digit BCD encoded display
  • Single push button operation
  • Powered by 2 "AAA" batteries
  • Ideal for portable and field use


Here is the SWR/Power meter built by Joe, WØMQY in a travel soap dish (snap-on cover not shown). The soap dish makes a handy case and has a bit more space than an Altoids tin. Click on the photo to see a larger image.

What you get: You will receive the PC board, all board mounted parts and the instruction / operation manual. The builder will need to provide the enclosure, antenna connectors of your choice and the batteries.

Availability: Sold out and the kit has been retired.Documentation Download: The latest revision of the kit Instruction and Operation Manual is available here. Windows users can right click on the manual and choose "Save Target As..." to download.

Power / SWR Meter Manual PDF Reader Required

Here is the finished SWR/Power meter kit built by W5YR. George used an Altoids tin and mounted the "AAA" cells on top of the PC board.

This meter was presented to James Duffey, KK6MC a.k.a. Dr. Megacyle at OzarkCon 2005 in memory of George Baker, W5YR (SK).



Chuck, W5USJ sent a photo of his completed power meter.

He says: "I've added an extra battery pack and switch to select internal or "external" power. The pushbuttons for power on/off and mode selection are wired in parallel. I don't care for the blue color so I'll be painting it the usual gray as I have on other stuff. "


Here is the power/SWR meter constructed by Bob, a.k,a. Dr. Robert Armstrong, N7XJ. Bob is an active outdoorman and has written many articles for the ARS Sojourner.

The KD1JV meter is a handy item to carry in your field pack for those trips to the back woods or to the city park.


Richard Fisher, KI6SN, the QRP columnist for WorldRadio magazine used this photo in the May 2005 issue. Richard mounted his Power/SWR meter in an electrical power outlet box.

You can read the complete WorldRadio column and see additional photographs by clicking here.


Updated September 3, 2009

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