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Cyclone 40
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Cyclone 40
An Innovative Transceiver
From David Cripe, NMØS

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Sold Out and Retired.

Arising from Dave's entry in QRP ARCI's 72 Part Challenge Design Contest in 2010, the Cyclone 40 is an enhanced version of the original design. The transceiver designed for the design contest had 72 total parts, performed well, and won honorable mention. This improved version has less than 100 components and even better performance! The kit features all through hole parts and easy assembly. The receiver is a superhet design with very good sensitivity and selectivity, and tunes the entire 125 kHZ CW segment of the 40M Band - and does so at a comfortable tuning rate. A frequency readout is included so you know where you are at all times.

This is a complete kit, including the enclosure. A high quality board package includes the pc board, front and back panels, the sides, and top and bottom all of which make up the enclosure. The control and jack labels are silk screened in white letters and vividly contrast with the black solder mask, and the holes for the connectors and controls are pre-drilled. The ends are "dovetailed" together making a very rugged, easy to build, and attractive enclosure. At a dollar per component, plus shipping, this rig is a real bargain.

Features and Specifications
Enclosure:   A very nice predrilled and silkscreened enclosure is included. It's easy to assemble and looks great.
Ergonomics:  Smooth solid tuning, a quiet receiver with QSK and well behaved AGC. Nicely laid out front and rear panels.
Simple but high performance design:   Only 98 electronic components ( not including hardware).
VFO:  The VFO is a simple PTO design, and is quite easy to build
Sidetone:   Included!
AGC:   Innovative audio derived design, very fast, smooth, and silent (no thumps).
Frequency Range:   7.000 - 7.125 typical.
Tuning Speed:   10kHz/knob turn typical.
Stability:  300 HZ the first 5 min after power up, less than 10 HZ/hour after that.
QSK:   Fantastic QSK! Full Break in, excellent muting, really fast!
All Through Hole Parts  There are NO SMT parts in this kit, and only three easy to wind toroids.
Dimensions:   4.4 x 3.6 x 1.9"
Power Connector: 2.5x5.5mm coaxial, center positive. Should be fused at 1A, fast blow at PS
Antenna connector:    BNC
Configuration:  Superheterodyne, 11 MHZ IF, 4 Crystal IF Filter.
Sensitivity:  MDS (Minimum Discernable Signal) -125, Typical, below the normal 40M band noise level.
Selectivity:  Four crystal, 500 HZ IF filter
IMD3:   90 dB typical, better than most commercial gear!
IP3:  +10 dBm typical - another very good number
Frequency Readout:  3 or 4 digit CW, 1 kHz or 100 Hz resolution (user selectable), developed by Adrian Hill, KCØYOI.
Band Edge Marker:  A band edge marker is heard at 7.001 MHZ
Headphone Jack:   1/8" stereo, standard earbud/Walkman® headphone compatible
DC Current consumption:   30 ma typical at 13.6 VDC.
Configuration:  Stable, Wide Range VFO (PTO design), Efficient Class E Final.
Spectral Purity:  All harmonics and spurs are 50dB or more below the carrier.
Output Power:   approximately 4W into 50 ohms
DC Current consumption:  500ma typical at 13.6 VDC Will operate down to 9v DC.
Key Jack:   1/8" stereo, grounded shell, switching the tip keys TX. Contacts accessible for add-on keyer.

REV A Assembly Manual, for Serial Numbers 100 and above.
REV A Receiver Schematic, for Serial Numbers 100 and above.
REV A Transmitter Schematic, for Serial Numbers 100 and above.
REV A Part Placement diagram, for Serial Numbers 100 and above.
REV A Short jumper required on pcb, for Serial Numbers 100 and above.
Simple PTO mod for enhanced stability.
Photo Page
K9PL's Review  in the K9YA Telegraph  (posted here with permission)  Thank you Philip.
Video of JA9MAT's Cyclone receiving Japanese CW. Thank you Hidehiko.

Assembly Manual, for all serial numbers less than 100
Original Parts List (BOM), for all serial numbers less than 100
Original Assembly Manual in Spanish, for all serial numbers less than 100 Translation by Jon Iza EA2SN, thank you Jon.
Parts List in Spanish Translation by Jon Iza EA2SN, thank you Jon. For all serial numbers less than 100
Receiver Schematic, for all serial numbers less than 100
Transmitter Schematic, for all serial numbers less than 100
Part Layout diagram, for all serial numbers less than 100
The Cyclone Yahoo Group is a great resource, post questions and look up information here.
Design Updates and Kit Changes. These are Must Reads, Click this link! For all serial numbers less than 100
Elecraft's Excellent Capacitor Identification Page  Posted with permission.
Electronics 2000's Excellent Resistor Code Graphic Calculator  Posted with permission.

The Cyclone is carefully kitted and shipped by Johnny Matlock,ACØBQ.
Please direct shipping, kit, and part related questions to Johnny
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