Digi-Key and Mouser Orders
Provided by Don Jackson,
I just thought I'd pass along a couple hints for buying homebrew parts from two of the major suppliers: Digi-Key and Mouser. Both offer some neat on-line (web) ordering gimmicks -- Mouser especially is nice for different projects. Although both often offer the same items, they are often NOT the same price. Each have their strong and weak points in parts coverage. Digi-Key is especially strong and aggressive on depth and pricing on their IC and other semiconductor parts. Mouser is often the least expensive for such things as surface mount resistors.
DIGI-KEY: www.digikey.com
Did you know that you can get FREE shipping on your order? Yes, that's
correct -- no minimum order fee and no shipping charges. The "secret"
is that you must send them a check or money order by mail. Time-wise, it
will add a couple days to get your parts over ordering them via internet
or phone -- the time it takes your letter to get to Minnesota. (See
their "terms and conditions" on their website -- they cover themselves
for very heavy cheap items.)
Digi-Key also offers (with registration) online forms to compose your order. It's like a web shopping basket and tells you if item is in stock, extends the price, etc. If you mail you order in, you can just copy the online form.
MOUSER: www.mouser.com
Unfortunately Mouser does not offer the same deal, and in fact I have a "caution"
to give out: If possible, let Mouser determine the shipping method (they usually
use UPS). If that is done, then they do not charge you for any shipping on back
ordered parts. If you specify, for instance USPS (U.S. Mail) shipping, they
will charge you for EVERY backorder shipment, no matter how small!
With registration, Mouser also offers online storage of your bill of materials for different projects. Very convenient.
Don AE5K
Updated November, 2008