Four States QRP Group

Four State

4S-Dummy Load
4S-Dummy Load
Kitted and Offered For Sale By The Four State QRP Group

Designed by David Cripe, NMØS
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 Designed by David Cripe, NMØS, the 4S-Dummy Load is a simple kit that employs the use of large SMT parts and some LEDs to provide a dummy load device for up to 10W output.
The power-indicator LEDs indicate output power in a cascade method.
This kit is useful for showing if your transmitter is making power - or not !
It should be a commonly-used test device on the QRP builder's bench.

First time builders please note:
 Builders new to surface-mount construction, this is an ideal beginners kit.
 The extra large 2512-sized SMT parts used in this kit are an easy and great learning experience.

Specifications and Design Features
Frequency range:
  Works on all Amateur Radio HF Bands
Power requirements:
  No external power needed
Maximum Applied Power:
  10 Watts
Power Indicator LEDs:
  0.5w, 1w, 2w, 5w
  High Quality, Silk Screened Circuit Board.

Assembly Manual, with Schematic,
Parts List, and Photos

Parts and Schematic

Posted with permission

Electronics 2000's Capacitor Identification Page
Electronics 2000's Resistor Code Graphic Calculator

Ordering Information: 
  • The cost of this kit is $12 with a shipping cost of  $3.65
  • DX Buyers, check HamRadioLand for availability.
  • Note to Canadian Purchasers:
     Due to high bank processing fees,
     we can no longer accept Canadian Money Orders.
    •  If paying by check or money order (US $ only)
     please make it out to "Four State QRP Group" in the
    amount of $15.65 for each kit purchased, and mail to:

     Four State QRP Group
     Johnny Matlock ACØBQ
     379 23rd Road
     Lebo, Ks 66856

    The 4S-Dummy Load is carefully kitted and shipped by David Cripe, NMØS
    Please direct shipping, kit, and part related questions to David
    All proceeds are applied toward funding OzarkCon.
    Thank you for supporting The Four State QRP Group.
    © Copyright 2006....2025 - Four State QRP Group

    The files and images on this site unless otherwise noted are copyright by
    the Four State QRP Group and may not be published or used without permission.