All hams are invited to participate in our On-Air activities.
You will need to be listed on the 4SQRP E-Mail reflector or have attended OzarkCon to qualify for some Awards.
It's official, the Group has a club call - WQ5RP.
Club calls are available for any club member to use with permission, as long as they
stay within the limitations of their own license class. ex. Advanced Class must
operate in the Advanced portions of each band. To use the club call, reserve it by contacting
Johnny Matlock AC0BQ, club call trustee, at
We were fortunate that the call was released recently by Robert H Sorge, who is now K5VFO, and that our finding it was timely. I believe that all of the *Q*RP calls were taken before he released it, at least we couldn't find any. It's been been a long wait for a QRP club type call to become available, several years actually.
Bart Lawson WØIIT was the original trustee and jumped through all the hoops to obtain it
for us. He said he wanted a sked with me today to test some settings on his K2.
I nearly slapped the paddle across the shack when he came back as WQ5RP.
Check it out on
Both KØN and WQ5RP will be used at OzarkCon. You are welcome to make
contacts from Branson using both calls if you'd like as long as only one person uses it at a time in order to comply with FCC Rules.
Terry - WAØITP
Four State QRP Comfortable nets
meet each Wednesday night beginning at 20:00 Central Time.
Add anything to the exchange that you wish, temp, rig, ant, etc.
Checking into all, sessions is encouraged. We call it the "Clean Sweep".
- 20:00 CT ... 40M CW Net on 7122 - WQ5RP/ACØBQ NCS
- 20:30 CT ... 80M CW Net on 3564 - WQ5RP/WAØITP NCS
- 21:00 CT ... 80M PSK Net on 3580.5 - WQ5RP/NØTGR NCS
All are welcome!After the nets, a list of checkins will be
posted on the Four State reflector.
* NEW! * Wednesday evening DMR Voice Net will be at (Thursday) 0300 UTC (9:00PM Central Time Wednesday/)
Four States QRP has a Brandmeister DMR Talk Group (TG31654). Join us to discuss QRP, ask questions, or just ragchew. The Wednesday net is a directed net but any other time you may use the Talk Group to chat with other QRPers. Net Control operator is Bert N0Ì·YJ.
For information and help, check out the DMR subgoup on
Thursday Morning -
The Four State morning net has been convened for members who like to start the day on the air.
We meet each Thursday morning at 8:00 AM Central on 7122 kc.
7122 has become the Four State 40M hangout frequency, and often members can be found there on any morning.
Second Sunday Sprint -
Occurs on the second Sunday of each month, 7 to 9 PM Central
Any mode, any band (except WARC & 60 mtrs) -
- Suggested frequencies: standard calling freq. plus 7122 and 3564 (CW),
and 3985, 7285, and 14285 (SB).
as well as the usual QRP watering holes.
QSO's with the same station on different bands are allowed. CW and SB portions of a
band count as two bands.
- Calling CQ is suggested to be "CQ 4S"
Exchange is "RST, SPC, member number (power if non-member)"
- 5 Watts max CW, 10 Watts PEP max SB.
The station with the most contacts each month will be emailed a certificate. Furthermore, the top three stations with the most SSS contacts during the year will also receive certificates via email.
Scores are submitted via the website (compliments of W8DIZ).
For full details, please download the complete rules (PDF) here.
For questions, please contact Walter (K5EST