Four States QRP Group

Four State

Nouveau 75
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Nouveau 75A
Designed by
David Cripe NMØS

Click to join the Nouveau 75 Support
and Information Group
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Kitted and Offered For Sale By The Four State QRP Group        


NEW - N-75 - Audio Mod for N-75 and N-75A versions only.
Click here for the information. Does not apply to N-75B version.

Sales Temporarily Suspended

Relive the days when Amplitude Modulation (AM) was the main communications mode!

The name, 'Nouveau 75', is a nod to the legendary 'Retro 75', AM transceiver designed by Dave Benson, K1SWL. Since production of the Retro 75 ended, there have been no AM QRP kits available to take its place. This new kit was designed to fill that market niche.
The Nouveau 75 is a 75 Meter, QRP AM voice transceiver produced by the Four-State QRP Group. This design is simple, yet full-featured, efficient, and easy-to-build. This kit utilizes a hybrid construction, with about 80% of its components pre-installed surface mount devices. The remaining components are large, through-hole connectors, controls, and power devices. The kit includes a pre-drilled, silk-screened enclosure made of PCB material. The finished result is an attractive, functional radio that is easy to assemble and operate.
ALL THROUGH HOLE parts make this kit very easy to assemble. It will make a fine, fully functional, and educational first rig for a new builder, the new ham, or seasoned veterans wishing to just have fun with a new rig at minimal expense and effort.

The new version Nouveau 75A incorporates the receiver mod that was supplied to purchasers of the original version kit.

Clubs and Groups Please Note! Group discounts are available, 5 kit minimum order required. Contact the kitter at the email address below.
Specifications and Design Features
    Transceiver: Fully functional AM transceiver.
    Transmit frequency 3.605 MHz to 3.995 MHz.
    Receive freuency 3.000 MHz to 6.200 MHz.
    Input Power requiement 11-14V DC.
    Current requrements Receive:120mA,typical; Transmit:600mA unmodulated, 2.5A peak, typical.
    Final out: Rugged IRF510 PA running Class-E at approximately 95% efficiency.
    Power Output: Five watt carrier output, with +/- 100% modulation capability. Twenty watts PEP.
    Modulation: Highly efficient transformer-less Class-G modulator.
    Digital tuning: Four-digit LED frequency readout with 1 kHz steps (5 kHz steps outside of ham band).
    Reverse Voltage Protection: Yes.
    AGC: Effective AGC with front panel LED AGC and overmodulation indicator.
    Speaker: Built-in with headphone jack.
    Microphone: Handheld included.
    Size: 5 3/4 in long 3 3/4 in deep and 2 in tall.
    Antenna: 50 ohms at < 1.5:1 VSWR.

    Paul WA3VJB YouTube video  Posted with permission.
    Current Version

    Current Version Assembly Manual
    N-75A Schematic
    Board Layout Part location.
    Part List BOM

    Original Version

    Original Version Assembly Manual
    NMØS Receiver Mods
    Board Layout Part location.
    Part List BOM

    Photo Page Rig pix, part ID, and building tips.
    Electronics 2000's Excellent Capacitor Identification Page  Posted with permission.
    Electronics 2000's Excellent Resistor Code Graphic Calculator  Posted with permission.
The Nouveau 75 is carefully kitted and shipped by Joe Culwell, WBØYFL
Please direct shipping, kit, and part related questions to Joe

All proceeds are applied toward funding OzarkCon.   Thank you for supporting The Four State QRP Group.
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The files and images on this site unless otherwise noted are copyright by
the Four State QRP Group and may not be published or used without permission.