Welcome to the web home of the Four States QRP Group, devoted to low power (QRP) amateur radio building and operation.
An Oregon-based 509(a)(2) Public Charity for Scientific Purposes organizationClub Call Sign WQ5RP
Four State QRP EU Distributor is HamRadioLand
Long Island CW Club
Learn or Improve your Morse CodeSupporter of International CW Council.
Visit their website here4SQRP Scholarship Program
has returned
More Information hereT41 Kit Information
Available HereRetired kits Sourced by the Designer
Check them outCall for Volunteers
Looking for a way to give back to the hobby ?
Consider helping us do what we do to put
on OzarkCon every year. Interested ?
More information here
About our Kits - -
4SQRP designs are the result of thousands of hours of engineering time in service to the QRP community.
We pride ourselves on having the most unique and original kits available anywhere.
We make full design documentation freely available on our website as a service to builders and experimenters.
We do ask that if a design is borrowed for use in a kit or in a publication that proper attribution is made to the original designer.
About our History - -
The Four State QRP Group was formed in 2003 for the purpose of promoting the operation and construction of ow power amateur radio equipment. Incorporated as a non-profit organization, there no dues for membership. Rather, operating expenses of the club are generated through sales of QRP radio kits, which are designed, kitted, and sold by club volunteers to fund our annual conference, OzarkCon, which is held in Branson, MO each April.
Originally, the Four State QRP group was comprised of members residing in the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas. There is no regional requirement for membership though, and today, we proudly claim members from across the US and many DX countries. The original 4SQRP name has been retained due to its worldwide name recognition.
As of January 2025, we are 3595 members strong and growing. Please explore our pages and if you would like to join in the fun, please click the membership button at the left.
DX shipping will be quoted on an individual basis.
Please contact us for an estimated shipping cost.
We sell kits in order to underwrite OzarkCon. Click any picture below to order or for more information.
Earn your 4SQRP Awards Now !!! Click any picture for more information.
Cricket Society
Designer-Sourced Retired Kits !!!
Click any picture for more information.
NS-40 by NMØS
QRPometer by NMØS
Cricket 80A
Coming Soon
Updated: December 28, 2024
The files and images on this site unless otherwise noted are copyright by
the Four State QRP Group and may not be published or used without permission.